- https://www.mediafire.com/?t95fanndpfddun2 , also @
- https://anonfiles.com/file/f405a4996c8cccedc55d0c3766761c2c
- 1) Use the Teleport Pro Bundle to download whole websites
- Teleport_Pro_Bundle.zip includes ; Teleport Pro (a decent spider
- but the limit is 60,000 files each, Teleport Ultra (unlimited use)
- and Teleport VLX (to spider both http and https - unlimited use)
- 2) Use the TotalHTMLConverter to convert web pages into PDF
- or other file formats you can freely upload onto the Internet,
- such as on www.docstoc.com or www.2shared.com (which have no
- limits on the number of files you can upload onto them
- 3) Use the winrar-32 bit or the winrar-64 bit and the winzip
- tools to zip up the downloaded files in your folders.
- 4) Upload compressed, zipped folders onto www.mediafire.com
- or www.anonfiles.com and make a directory, and please FREELY
- SHARE WITH EVERYBODY while the info is still available!!!
- 5) SOMEDAY SOON the Internet will be history, so burn DVD data
- disks of your collected files, and store them in metal Army
- ammunition boxes for posterity in a cave in the desert. Both
- sizes of Army ammunition boxes sold at surplus stores are the
- exactly the perfect size for DVDs in sleeves.
Posted by Anonymous on Mon 27th Jan 2020 03:11
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