- Box-N-Go, Storage Containers & Long Distance Moving Company
- Storage & moving with your needs in mind
- We know that safety and security of your belongings is your greatest concern when considering your self storage options. Remember, when it comes to security at any facility, it is only as good as the people that enter that facility. Once inside, they can pick any lock, get inside any unit. Theft at self storage facilities is one of the most common complaints. Box-n-Go is different!
- Website: https://www.boxngo.com
- Phone: (877) 269-6461
- Google+: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=2261205922049666746
- Address: 1735 Fuller Ave #221, Los Angeles, CA 90046
Box-N-Go, Storage Containers & Long Distance Moving Company
Posted by Anonymous on Mon 11th Sep 2023 13:31
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